
Sunday Celebration

Hebrews 10:23-25 NIV
23 Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. 24 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, 25 not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

Sunday – just one day!

What about the other six?

We believe in ‘Doing life together’ which means our faith isn’t just on Sundays – its every day of the week. The many things that we have happening during the week culminates on a Sunday when we come together to celebrate God, who he is and who he was during our week.

We come together on a Sunday to celebrate God in Worship, to build each other up, pray together, connect with each other (you’ll quickly learn we are a pretty chatty group of people) and have some a lot of fun along the way. 

What to expect

Our usual Sunday Celebration Service kicks off at 10am, someone welcomes everyone and invites us to join in worship (sometimes with a live band, sometimes without! Read more about that here.).

We then sing some songs of worship and then we join together in prayer for the needs that are resenting themselves from that week. Sickness, relational troubles, financial stresses, society, whatever the challenge we beleive in standing together to petition God to intervene in our lives.

Next – possibly CMC’s favourite time of the morning – every says hello to everyone else. The invitation is to say hi to someone nearby but lets be honest, most people trek to others across the auditorium to shake a hand have a chat – maybe we just like to see each other!

Once everyone is wrangled back into their seats, we share the announcements for the week, the things coming up in church life.

We allow time in our service to take up our giving – our tithes, offerings and however we honour God in our finances and to keep the church moving forward. We say it every Sunday, but if you’re new or visiting you are under no obligation to give! It’s something that we do as part of the CMC family if you call CMC home. In fact a large number of our church don’t give on a sunday, but durng the week – to see the details on how you can give – click here

Usually, after another song of Worship we come around the Word of God. We beleive in the word of God and we base our Sundays around reading His word and exounding on how it affects our lives today. 

In respsonse to the Word, we allow time from prayer after the service. Our pastors and team will stay around to stand with you whatever you’re going through or if you need help responding to what God is asking you to do. 

Then in classic church style, its time for tea, coffee and bikkies! Oh, not to mention its barrista coffee from our espresso machine. 

Plan your visit

We’d love to look after you at one of our services, to help you feel at home.

We’ll show you around, introduce you to some new friends and organise seats for you.

Fill out your details & when you arrive at church meet our team at the information desk in our foyer.

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