
Marriage Goals

‘Marriage goals’ is a 8 session course (12 mins long) designed to help build a healthy marriage which all of us need to continue doing. Click on the link, follow the instructions, and set aside some regular time with your spouse to watch the videos. The steps to...

Wisdom Literature

Join us this Sunday as we explore Wisdom Literature with Ps Gavin! Prayer online and at CMC at 9.30am Service at 10am Zoom group afterwards.

Fathers Day

Fathers Day at CMC on the 6th of September. Bacon and Egg rolls for everyone from 9.45am. Prayer meeting at 9.30. Come along as we celebrate our heavenly Father and our earthly dads!

Guest Speaker – Professor Stephen Fogarty

Stephen Fogarty, President of Alphacrucis College, has worked in Christian Higher Education for over 20 years and Christian ministry for over 35 years. Before becoming Principal of Alphacrucis College in 1998 he worked as an economist, before transitioning to...