
CMC Games Night

At 7.00 pm join the Zoom Meeting:

What do you need?

Ideally, 2 devices are needed (computer, smartphone or tablet).

One for zoom, one for games. 

One device per person playing is best, or device per household. 

Ideal Setup #1: a computer for Zoom and a smartphone for playing game. 

Ideal Setup #2: a computer for Zoom and a computer for playing the game. 

Setup #3: One device (phone or tablet) for Zoom, one phone for playing games. 

Setup #4: One device for Zoom and gam. Join and keep zoom open while using your browser or app to play. 

To participate in the games:


  1. Download the Kahoot app on your phone. 
  2. Or go to kahoot.it in your phone browser.
  3. PIN to join will be provided in the Zoom meeting. 

If you us the app follow these steps once downloaded

  1. Open the Kahoot app
  2. Select “Personal”
  3. Enter your age
  4. Select “Friends and family”
  5. Click the middle button down the bottom “Enter PIN”
  6. PIN will be given in the Zoom meeting at 7.00 pm